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Spiritual Growth
Why Do We Want To Grow? Colossians 1:10, Matthew 5:48, 1 Corinthians 3:6, Colossians 1:6
Spiritual growth should provide the roadmap to a growing church, right? But have you ever stopped to ask the question, "Why do we want to grow?" God looks at the heart first and foremost so it only makes sense that we should start there as well. Let's back all the way up to the core motivation(s) behind pursuing church growth, coming to church or becoming a Christian.
If you are a mortal human being (and you're honest with yourself) your motives may not be completely pure. Can you identify any impure motives such as "bigger and better than," "status," "accomplishment," "significance," "celebrity,” marriage, etc.?
It's only human to have such motives, but they can be dangerous when they go unchecked and become intermingled with the legitimate, pure motives. In many cases, we'll attempt to hide our impure motives behind false modesty or spiritual jargon. Awareness of these impure motives is key and you'll be far more successful at keeping them in check if you can honestly acknowledge them. Pride is a rampant termite that has slowly devoured many ministry and life.
Before we continue we need to differentiate voices.
     1.The Voices of God.
     2.The Voices Man.
     3.The Voices of the devil.
Your growth depends on your personal relationship with God. Three reflection that indication a relationship of spiritual growth or defeat.
Embracing a New Advancement Isaiah 6:1-6
Pursuing spiritual health or church health instead of church growth principles allows us to focus on the legitimate desire to see our church flourish without some of the impure motivations that might trip us up. As we pursue spiritual health or church health, we'll most likely experience growth as a byproduct. This Advancement places the priority on keeping our spiritual or church healthy and trusting God to do the rest. Church health falls easily within our stewardship roles as church leaders.
Yet how many of us live each day as if both health and growth were up to us? How many of us are trying to grow our congregations through prescriptive principles and strategic planning? It can be very freeing to focus on what God has called us to do and let Him bring the people.

What are Keys to lasting spiritual health? Psalm 1:1-3, 15:1-5
Stay Humble and Activates communication. Humble people listen, humble churches listen. They are open to what God has to say to them and what other people have to say to them. The day we stop listening is the day pride begins to eat away at the framework of our ministry. The key to lasting health and vitality is to stay humble and grounded.
Be Teachable. A life-long learner who is submitted to the will of God has nearly limitless potential. Are you open to learning new things? Do you acknowledge your mistakes or cast blame on others? Are you willing to defer to others who have specialized expertise?
Gratitude. Stop regularly to count your blessings. Express gratitude to God for all He has done and continues to do in the life of your church. Regularly show appreciation to those around you who are faithfully serving. People rarely complain of being excessively appreciated.
Remain Open. Open hands. Open hearts. Open minds. Open people are pliable in God's hands. Are you open to feedback and change? Do you let people see your humanity and imperfections or do you lead from behind a rigid, got-it-all-together exterior? Are you open to other people's ideas or do all the good ideas have to originate with you?
What Measure and Monitor You or Church need? 2 Cor 13:5, Gal 6:3-5, Exd 3:1-22.
Here are a few principles to consider if you are serious about spiritual and church growth. This is not another list of how to be a Christian but some things that are often overlooked in the Christendom growth process:
  1. Examine your motives – Why do you want to grow? To increase your stats? To look good at the annual convention? Is your self-worth dependent on it? If it is anything other than the joy of seeing people come to know Jesus and grow as His disciples, you may need to deal with your pride. We are not to bear fruit for the purpose of feeding our egos.
  2. Recognize the different types of growth – Don’t mistake transit from one church to another or people transferring from other   churches to your church as healthy church growth. This is a trap some leaders fall into. New faces do not automatically equal healthy growth. The great commission does not say, “Go therefore and transfer disciples.” It says, “Go and make disciples.”
  3. Realize that there are no quick fixes – Many people give up after the program does not produce the results they desired in only a few weeks. Growing spiritually or your church by conversion takes time, hard work, and commitment.
  4. Set the tone from the top – If you want a church full of people who share their faith, you as a leader must share your faith. That does not mean you only share it from the pulpit, but one on one with people in your community and family. Don’t expect your members to do something that you yourself are not willing to do. Your example is more powerful than your words when it comes to leading people in outreach.
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