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194-12 100th Avenue Hollis NY 11423 .,
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A Night with The Lord: 2 am - 3 am Friday;
Prevailing Prayer: 12 pm - 1pm Every Saturday
Power Of Worship
Praise and worship are warfare. Many do not realize this and think that they are only an emotional release caused by sinning loud fast songs. This is also a complete subject that could be covered on its own, many good books have already been written on the subject prophetic ministries, churches, men of God and the children of God have the ability to bring the presence of God into a gathering. Since the prophet is in touch spiritually will the mind of God, it is inevitable that as the prophetic ministry starts to function, the Holy Spirit will be released to work. This is also brought about as people are led into the place God wants them to be as the prophetic ministry exhorts, encourages and gives direction.
Praise and worship is powerful, and oh so wonderful! The power in praise and worship goes beyond what you could imagine! Praise and worship is one of the key to coming to know Jesus better. Yet some don’t understand praise and worship or the true purpose of it. So let us take little time to explain what praise and worship really is and the power behind praise and worship when done right. There cannot be true worship without praise, praise produces worship. Praise means to speak well of God, praise is to acknowledge what God has done. Praise invokes God's presence. It gets God's attention, it creates an atmosphere. Praise is to the New Testament what sacrifices, and offering was to the Old Testament, praise is sacrifice. Psalm 22:3 say that God inhabits the praises of his people, so when God's people praise Him, He draws near and worship results. God has given each of us a praise ministry with a worship "team" that is never any farther away than an inch below our noise: our lips, mouth, and tongue.
God does not need either our praise or our worship He is God no matter what we do or don't do but we need his presence. God's presence comes through our praise. If we desire to live abundant lifestyle, we must learn to cultivate a continual environment of praise. Hebrews 13:15says,"Through Jesus therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise the fruit of lips that confess His name. "Praise is a sacrificial offering to God, the spiritual first-fruits" of our lips.
One way to look at praise is to think of it as "bragging" on God. When we praise the Lord, we are telling Him all the good and wonderful things about Himself. Praise is bragging on God’s nature, attributes, and character; it is agreeing with God concerning what He has already told us about Himself.
When we praise God, His presence comes near, and in His presence all our true glory can be released. We cannot create this environment of praise completely on our own. That's why Christ gave us His Spirit. Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" In our own strength we can do nothing. When we abide in Christ and remain joined to Him as the branch is joined to the vine, we can do anything He wants us to do. Praise is something we can do anytime, anywhere. As we learn to exercise our personal praise ministry, we can create "islands of Eden" around us wherever we go. There is an inseparable link between our praise and the manifest presence of God.
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When we worship together as a community of living Christians, we do not worship alone, we worship 'with all the company of heaven.